Weekend Special: Personality Quiz

Do you match the profile of the long-lived? This personality assessment will help to give you a better idea of your level of conscientiousness. While the ability to predict health and longevity in any individual case is imperfect, The Longevity Project found that conscientiousness, is the best personality predictor of long life when measured in childhood as well as adulthood.

The following self-assessment is taken from the book, The Longevity Project, by Howard S. Friedman and Leslie R. Martin, Ph.D.

To assess a core aspect of personality, decide how well each of the following statements describes you. Be honest, thinking about yourself as you usually are, compared to others who are the same sex and about the same age.

1) I am always prepared.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

2) I leave my belongings around.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

3) I actually get cold when I think of something cold.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

4) I enjoy planning my work in detail.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

5) I make a mess of things.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

6) I get chores done right away.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

7) I have sometimes had to tell a lie.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

8) I often forget to put things back in their proper place.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

9) I like order.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

10) I shirk my duties.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

11) I follow a schedule.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

12) I am persistent in the accomplishments of my work and ends.
1-- very inaccurate
2-- moderately inaccurate
3-- neither accurate nor inaccurate
4-- moderately accurate
5-- very accurate

How to compute the total score:
Each item scores from 1 to 5. But for items 2, 5, 8 and 10, you need to reverse the scores. So if you said that "I leave my belongings around" was "very inaccurate" in describing you (a 1), change your score to its opposite, which is a 5. If you gave yourself a 2 you would change this to a 4 and so on. If you said this was neither accurate nor inaccurate, you would leave your score as it is - a 3.

Then eliminate item 3 and item 7. Item 3 ("I actually get cold when I think of something cold") is an irrelevant filter item. Item 7 is a lie scale, in more than one sense of the term. For the remaining ten items, simply sum your scores.

A total score will fall somewhere between 10 and 50. This scale is a good measure of conscientiousness. Total scores between 10 and 24 indicate very low conscientiousness (the lowest quartile or 25 percent in a recent sample of adults). Scores between 37 and 50 suggest exceptionally high conscientiousness.

Another way to understand your own conscientiousness and to make it a more valid assessment is to get the viewpoint of someone else who knows you well. People who know you well are generally good judges of your personality, and sometimes the perspective of someone else can be enlightening, helping us to see ourselves more objectively. So use the same scale, but this time, have a friend rate you.

Source: AOL

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