boulder starts rewarding biker friendly business'

Boulder, CO is well known to be one of the most bike friendly towns in America, but now the city has taken it a step further. In the last city council meeting, it was decided to start a rewards program for business' that offer a "biker friendly" experience. Business' that would like to earn a biker friendly status are presented with a series of questions such as, "is there a bike rack in front of your business, and if so how many slots are in the rack". After taking the test, they will either receive a biker friendly rating or be asked to make some modifications. After receiving biker friendly approval, the business can put up a sticker to show that they participate in the program. Twice a year the city council will vote on the most biker friendly business, and that business will receive a bonus to buy new biker friendly products. Below is a video showing how Boulder became a biker friendly town.

Boulder Bike Story from Bikes Belong on Vimeo.

Source: A TDN Original

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