Facebook Planning Facial Recognition? Yes They Are!

It is indeed less earth-shattering than that alleged (and, it turns out, false) Google app we heard about a few days back, but one of our loyal readers has stumbled across what appears to be an up-and-coming (and thus far inactive) facial recognition feature in his Facebook privacy settings. And, you know what? We have found the same thing! Although we are somewhat mollified by the prospect that this bad boy (when and if it becomes active) will only highlight our mug in pictures uploaded by friends, we bemoan the possibility that even more of our lives will be spent untagging ourselves from embarrassing party snaps.

Update: Looks like this is the same ol' "box around the face" update that's been gradually rolling out for quite some time. Is it new to you? It's enabled by default -- but feel free to disable it in your privacy settings.

Source: Engadget

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